
New: Filmed Classes  for the course “The Adventures of Lady Wisdom”

With Halyna Teslyuk of Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ukraine, I am developing a course on the  Jewish and Christian reception history of  personified  Wisdom as presented in  the biblical book Proverbs. The course focuses on texts and images, among which Orthodox icons. Here are the links to some of the video’s produced by filmmaker Rob Nelisse of Imageworkplace  and myself.

  1. Rabbinic Wisdom Part 1 (Teugels)
  2. Rabbinic Wisdom Part 2: (Teugels)
  3. Rabbinic Wisdom Part 3 (Teugels)
  4. Rabbinic Wisdom Part 4 (Teugels)
  5. Rabbinic Wisdom Part 5 (Teugels)
  6. Icons: Novogrod type Sophia (Teugels & Van Es)
  7. Icons: Kyiv type Sophia (Teugels & Van Es)
  8. Icons: David Chichua Paints a Sophia Icon (Teugels& Chichua)
  9. Sophia in Protestant Mysticism (Kick Bras)
  10. Sophia in Thomas Merton (Kick Bras)

Mini-college Hebreeuws

voor de voorlichting van de PThU premaster, gemaakt in juni 2020

Webinar naar aanleiding van verschijnen boek “Parabels. Onderricht van Jezus en de Rabbijnen” (Berne Media, 2020)

Hierbij de link naar het gehele webinar. Mijn optreden vanaf ong. minuut 15.

Book promo

See the promo video for my new book The Meshalim in the Mekhiltot. Created by Rob Nelisse for Imageworkplace


In May 2019 I taught at UCU in Lviv as part of the Erasmus+ exchange with the PThU. Two of my lectures were filmed.

Lecture: Rebekah in the Midrash

Lecture: The Parables of Jesus and the Other Rabbis

Videos for teaching

Together with Rob Nelisse I design videos to use in my courses on Judaism at the PThU. After a pilot about Simchat Tora [in Dutch]

 we now work on a series of short video courses about Jerusalem in the first century CE.

We made a short trailer in Dutch, but the rest of the videos will be in English.

Manuscript study at the library of the Alliance Israelite Universelle in Paris


Interview at the Library of the Alliance Israelite Universelle in Paris when I consulted a Geniza manuscript

Second part of the same interview, focused on the manuscript.


Rabbinics running and more