My name is Lieve Teugels, I am a Jewish Studies scholar and lecturer. My specialization is rabbinic midrash – the commentaries and interpretations of the ancient rabbis on the Hebrew Bible.
I work at the Protestant Theological University Amsterdam (PThU), in the Netherlands as professor of Jewish Studies. I teach biblical Hebrew, Jewish history and religion, and rabbinic literature to undergraduates and graduate students.
Upon becoming full professor, this mission-statement interview was published on the PThU website.
PLUS Marko Feingold Fellow
In 2024, I am Marko Feingold Distinguished Fellow at the PLUS university in Salzburg. In this capacity I research aspects of antisemitism in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. See my page about this, and my PLUS website.
Research themes
From 2014 until 2021 (but some of it still continues) I was involved in a NWO research project on parables (meshalim). For this project I was mostly engaged with early, tannaitic midrash. Look at my separate page about this project. My key publication for this project is The Meshalim in the Mekhilot.
Another line of my research deals with late midrash. I have published an annotated English Translation of Aggadat Bereshit, as well as several other studies on this lesser-known medieval midrash. See this entry in the Encyclopaedia on the Bible and its Reception on Aggadat Bereshit.
Many of my published studies are found on academia.edu. and on my PThU personal site.
I am the book review editor of the Journal for the Study of Judaism (JSJ). Please contact me at books.jsj@pthu.nl if you are interested in reviewing a book that fits the scope of our journal.
I am on the board of the Brill series Jewish and Christian Perspectives. We welcome manuscripts that fit the scope of our series!
Behalve mijn academisch werk, dat meestal in het Engels is, schrijf ik ook graag voor een breder publiek, in het Nederlands. Ik ben lid van de redactie van de PThU bijbelblogs. Tegenwoordig publiceren we overigens ook Engelstalige blogs. Als je blogs van mijn hand zoekt dan zoek je eenvoudigweg op mijn naam.