Marko Feingold Fellow at PLUS

In 2024 I am Marko Feingold Distinguished Fellow at the Paris Lodron University in Salzburg, Austria.

Marko Feingold did a lot for displaced Jewish persons who had ended up in Austria and whom he helped flee over the mountains from Krimml to Italy, where they could take the boat to immigrate to Palestine. In honor of this undertaking, every year a peace hike is conducted from Krimml. I will participate in it on June. 29-30.

As Marko Feingold fellow I do research about antisemitism in pre-modern times. In this capacity I will give two public lectures, the first on June 13 2024 in Salzburg. The first lecture will be about the ancient roots of the medieval iconography of the Judensau, a depiction of Jews in combination with a female pig that thrived with some varieties in German-speaking lands between the 13th and 16th centuries. The Judensau has been the subject of several studies before. What I want to investigate are Biblical, early Christian and early Jewish texts and ideas that have eventually given lead to these (and similar) anti-Jewish christian images, and eventually lay bare the identity politics behind this imagery.

This blog is a first sample of the research which I am doing for this lecture.

Here is the German version.

Deze blog laat een eerste proeve zien van het onderzoek dat ik doe als Marko Feingold Fellow naar antisemitisme in de pre-moderne tijd.

Rabbinics running and more